If you don't love my country and flag go back to whatever rock you came from under ......at least out of my.......sights…....I DON'T LIKE SCUMBAGS ,SPAMMERS, CARJACKERS, FLAG BURNERS OR GEE-HODDERS !!!!!!!! AND WHATEVER YOU DO...DON'T MESS WITH MY GOD MY FAMILY MY COUNTRY HER FLAG... and Military, MY BUG LIGHTS, OR THE GUYS I WORK WITH ...........and if you burn or even think of burning my country's flag...... you and I will have a very serious problem and trust me you don't want a serious problem with me .......... ***** YOU WON'T LIKE THE OUTCOME***** I love my 3 kids all girls ,5 grand kids and wife of 30 years marriage....and I love my job and the UNITED STATES AIRFORCE..... I will and have defended all of the above with my life..... when and if necessary
**DAVE** **OF** **DAVE’S** **SIMPLE** **SPOT**
just how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood????????
***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************I THINK METER COPS NEED SIDE ARMS ....THIS couple needs to put some money in the meter and shut the @#$% up DON'T PISS OFF THE METER GUY