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altus, oklahoma, United States
If you don't love my country and flag go back to whatever rock you came from under least out of my.......sights…....I DON'T LIKE SCUMBAGS ,SPAMMERS, CARJACKERS, FLAG BURNERS OR GEE-HODDERS !!!!!!!! AND WHATEVER YOU DO...DON'T MESS WITH MY GOD MY FAMILY MY COUNTRY HER FLAG... and Military, MY BUG LIGHTS, OR THE GUYS I WORK WITH ...........and if you burn or even think of burning my country's flag...... you and I will have a very serious problem and trust me you don't want a serious problem with me .......... ***** YOU WON'T LIKE THE OUTCOME***** I love my 3 kids all girls ,5 grand kids and wife of 30 years marriage....and I love my job and the UNITED STATES AIRFORCE..... I will and have defended all of the above with my life..... when and if necessary **DAVE** **OF** **DAVE’S** **SIMPLE** **SPOT**


2013 budget!/profile.php?id=1607156344 Now that Mr. Obama with a swipe of his pen feels it's ok to take 20 % of my earnings.......... not only do I have a right it is in mine and others best interest in teaching him and others in Washington how to make and use a very simple budget and stay on be advised I have no fancy degrees on my wall or been to any high and mighty schools I'm just a taxpaying voter retired from the military with a job who pays his way and has done so all my life.....If they follow these easy rules of finance we will be on our merry way to a balance budget in no time at all.......with that said............... These are my simple rules to start and keep a budget for the dumbasses in Washington. 1. If you're going to squander money first make sure it's yours to squander...... 2. If you're going to buy something and you don't have the money to buy it ......then I guess you're not going to buy it....... 3. so you need something ....let's say a car and you don't have the money to buy it with cash ..........ok.........good question ....... pick out one you can afford to pay on after you pay all your bills ....hence..... Food shelter and clothing ....... words like thrifty ....good deals....and cheap come in handy when purchasing these shelter and clothing....... 4. No credit cards yes I said no credit cards..... Use a debit card or cash ....real simple ....if you don't have money then I guess you don't need to buy it..... 5. This next one and final rule of Dave's simple budget for Washington dumbasses.......... you need a job ............not a position a job you do something and they give you money for doing it ........most of us call it work....the better you do it the more money they give you ..... And yes whatever you do must be legal........ Now let's review what we just learn from Dave......... Don't spend money you don't have.................... Don't spend other people's money you don't have............ ..........class over...... David Hughes Altus Oklahoma Budget expert